S.O.B. Day (Spunky Old Broads)

Founded by Dr. Gayle Carson, Spunky Old Broads Day is a holiday where we celebrate women who are age 50 and older, who don’t want to get old quietly, and are “interested in living a regret-free life”.

Today, we wanted to spotlight older women and share some funny and thought-provoking quotes about growing older.







Ann: My key for looking younger is similar to Lucille Ball’s…except in reverse. Always tell your age as 10 years OLDER than what you actually are. You might not look so great for your real age, but  you’ll look fantastic for someone they think is 10 years older!! 

SUSAN: When I was a young girl, and my parents had get-togethers, the men gathered in one room and the women in another (usually the kitchen). The women would be talking a blue streak and suddenly, they’d put their heads together, whispering to one another, following by hysterical laughing. I never knew what they were talking about, just that it must have been funny. Now that I’m much older, I understand completely. Nothing is sacred to women my age. And we’ll laugh about anything. Why not joke about your wrinkles, saggy boobs, poor eyesight or forgetfulness. It’s all part of life. Might as well enjoy it. My advice is: Enjoy life. Especially now.

Learn more about Susan and her books at: www.susanaroyal.com


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