Denise Devine is featured today on Five on Friday. I love the premise of her book, “Lisa.” Finding romance via a message in a bottle is so romantic! Be sure and check it out through the links provided and follow her on social media. Remember…always review the books you read because they help and encourage authors!

Denise Devine is a USA TODAY bestselling author of romantic comedy, contemporary romance, and one inspirational romance. She wrote her first book, a mystery, at thirteen and has been writing ever since. She writes about true love, happy endings and stories that touch your heart.

What are the top three things on your bucket list? And why?
South Pacific Cruise
Go back to Israel, Egypt and Hawaii

My husband is a travel agent and it has always been our intention to see the world. I love visiting other cultures and I love cruising. This spring we’re celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary with a cruise to Spain and Portugal. Then we’re traveling to Paris to see the Louvre and spending two weeks in England.

Ann: Sounds like you have a wonderful trip planned. All I want is a week without interruption at my computer!!

What’s the one thing you do every day that you enjoy the least, but do it anyway?
Make supper! I don’t really like to cook, and when I get busy writing, I hate to quit.

Ann: I always say if I didn’t have to sleep, eat, or go to the bathroom, I could get a lot of writing done. Cooking falls under the eating part!

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Hah! Are you kidding me? A castle in England. A beach house on a Caribbean island. A villa on the French Riviera. The wine country in Italy. The mountains in northern California. Or maybe anywhere in Hawaii.
I live in Minnesota and it keeps snowing. This time last year my bulbs were coming up. I’m ready for spring!

Ann: We don’t get much snow here in Texas, so spending time in place where it snows a lot would be a dream come true. I couldn’t get out…and no one could get in to bother me! Just as long as the power stayed on, I’d be happy.

What is your favorite thing to do during your spare time…besides writing?
I’m retired from my government job, and now I write full time, so it is presently what I do all day. In my spare time, I love to sew, grow flowers, read and travel. Go to movies and eat a tub of popcorn!

Ann: I agree with all of those hobbies…except traveling. I don’t even like to travel to Walmart…and it’s just ten minutes from my house.

Are the names of characters in your novels important?
Yes, because I think names tell you something about the person’s character. A woman’s name should be either interesting or beautiful. A man’s name should be strong. People want to identify with your main characters and giving them solid names is the way to start.
I decided before I published my first book that I would use all of my nieces and nephews’ names as characters in my books. It has been a fun journey and I’m almost to the end so I may extend that to cousins!
One of my books is named after my sister. I have a book in the Beach Brides Series called Lisa. It turned out to be one of my best books.

Ann: Names are super important to me as well, but I do just the opposite. I work hard NOT to use family or friend’s names. Since I write steamy romance, their hair might catch fire if they saw their name in one of my books!

Is it possible to find true love through a message in a bottle?


Spending a week on a Caribbean island with the members of the Romantic Hearts Book Club is like a dream come true for Lisa Kaye. On their last night, each woman writes a personal message to her “dream hero,” stuffs it in a bottle and tosses it out to sea. Lisa’s real dreams crash, however, when she returns home and loses not only her job but her boyfriend in the same day. Determined to start over, she returns to Enchanted Island, the idyllic place of her childhood to manage her aunt’s bed and breakfast hotel.
Fifteen months pass without a clue to the fate of her bottle. Then it happens. She receives an email from the man who found it and she doesn’t know what to do. Should she ignore it or take a chance at finding true love?


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